
$250,000 fine for destroying an eagle egg, but it’s legal to kill a baby in the womb!

$250,000 fine for destroying an eagle egg, but it’s legal to kill a baby in the womb!

It is a shame that in a country like the United States,built on a system, that is supposed to guarantee “LIFE, Liberty, and the Pursuit of happiness”. The life of an unborn child in the womb of the mother is not protected, nor is the mother helped in the time of crises. This is not done since some refer to the unborn child as a bunch of cells and not as a human being , but this same country protects the egg of an eagle not the eaglet. Why, isn’t this ironic?
it shows how really messed up society is.
We have to fight this culture of death, which really is illogical, unscientific and inhumane.

One comment on “$250,000 fine for destroying an eagle egg, but it’s legal to kill a baby in the womb!

  1. Believe that if you used your brains right you see there is a big difference between nature conservation and abortion. Remember in abortion the mother chose to terminate the pregnancy but in the case of the eagle, it does choose that it’s egg be eaten. I am not advocating abortion but this article doesn’t really fit.

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